How to install PlikShare?
The easiest way is to start a fresh VPS instance and run the script below. You can see the content of the script here. The script will ask you couple of questions, install everything whats needed and start a PlikShare for you. Everything will take no more than a couple of minutes.
sudo /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Note: You can try PlikShare for free and purchase a license later to activate all the features.

Before running the installation script, ensure that your domain is correctly pointing to your server's IP address. This involves setting up an A record in your DNS configuration:

  • Record Type: A
  • Host: Your domain or subdomain (e.g.,
  • Points to: Your server's IP address

Proper DNS configuration is essential for the installation script to set up SSL certificates and ensure secure HTTPS access to your PlikShare instance.

What does this installation script do?

The PlikShare installation script automates the setup process, guiding you through the following steps:

  1. EULA Acceptance: Prompts you to accept the End User License Agreement.
  2. Prerequisites Installation:
    • Installs Docker if not already present
    • Installs and configures Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) for security
  3. Setup Details Collection:
    • Collects your domain name
    • Asks for your email address for SSL certificates and admin account
    • Sets up initial admin password
    • Configures encryption passwords for data security
    • Defines main storage location and additional volumes
  4. PlikShare Installation:
    • Generates a custom Docker Compose file
    • Sets up a temporary Nginx configuration for SSL setup
    • Configures SSL using Let's Encrypt and Certbot
    • Replaces Nginx configuration with a production-ready setup
  5. Cron Jobs Setup:
    • Configures automatic SSL certificate renewal
    • Optionally sets up nightly updates for PlikShare

After completing these steps, PlikShare will be fully installed, configured, and ready to use on your server with HTTPS support and optimized settings.

See the Installation Script in Action:

Using docker image directly

For users who prefer more control over their installation or have specific deployment requirements, PlikShare is also available as a Docker image. You can find the official PlikShare Docker image on Docker Hub:

Docker Compose Configuration

Here's a Docker Compose configuration with descriptions of all key settings for PlikShare:


Getting Started

  1. Create a docker-compose.yml file with the above configuration.
  2. Adjust the environment variables according to your needs.
  3. Ensure the local directories for volumes exist.
  4. Set the correct permissions for the volume directories
  5. Run docker compose up -d to start PlikShare.

Note: This setup doesn't include SSL/TLS configuration. For production use, it's recommended to use a reverse proxy like Nginx with Let's Encrypt for HTTPS support.

Where to host PlikShare?

PlikShare can be hosted on various cloud platforms or your own server. Here are our recommendations and minimal requirements:

Recommended Hosting Providers

  • Hetzner: Known for excellent price-to-performance ratio and European data centers.
  • DigitalOcean: User-friendly, with a wide range of global data centers and consistent performance.

Minimal Requirements

For a smooth PlikShare experience, we recommend the following minimal specifications:

  • RAM: 1 GB
  • CPU: 1 core

While PlikShare can run on these minimal specifications, for better performance and to handle more users.